South Haven High School Mural Project
Welcome to Base Camp, the official news and information page for the 2022 Mural Project at South Haven High School.
Here you will find the latest project information including:
Project timeline
Sign up times for student painting
Announcement center for volunteers
Project updates
Progress and photos
Student interview with artist Kayla Ridley
Professional artist, Kayla Ridley, sits down with SHHS students and provides creative insight for each design.
June 6, 2022
Due to weather, Monday, June 6 painting will be cancelled.
Sign up for another time here
June 4, 2022
Primer is complete and painting has begun on the west facing
walls. This side of the wall will be a painted entirely in a
monochromatic gold color scheme.
May 27, 2022
Due to weather, Friday, May 27 painting will resume tomorrow, Saturday May 28 at 10 am.
Sign up here
May 9, 2022
Votes are in! The students of South Haven High School have selected DESIGN 1!
Painting will begin Monday, May 16 (weather dependent). Students are invited to paint with the artist. Sign up at the link below!
And the winner is ..............
Sign up for painting time here!
Designs have been presented to SHHS students. Voting will close on Friday, May 6, 2022
Design 1 illustrates the stampeding force of a community of rams. Leading the stampede,
South Haven pride is showcased at the forefront reminiscent of the traditional school logo and
mascot. The viewer is reminded that what makes this incarnation of South Haven pride so
powerful is the body of rams behind it, illustrating strength in numbers. At the distal edges, the
persistent vigor of the South Haven Rams continues to be projected via the shape of a ram
charging its unseen opponent. Using the corners of the walls, there will be the illusion of two
rams in a charge.
Near the athletic entrance, a dramatic landscape featuring the iconic South
Haven lighthouse showcases progression and community in the form of a ewe and its sheep
representing nurturing of future generations. The lighthouse shines on the horizon illustrating
the everlasting impact of the work done and the connections built within South Haven school
systems.The logos of contributing sponsors and organizers of the mural will appear on the
north end of the wall. The remaining space on the south wall will be left for potential future
artwork to be installed. The center wall will be painted in a monochromatic purple color
scheme, and the side walls will be painted in a monochromatic gold color scheme.
Design 2 takes a more traditional landscape approach. With steep endless hills, rams and ewes
are illustrated throughout from the background to foreground building a body of community.
Their stance alone symbolizes the teamwork and strength it takes to go great lengths with the
support of fellow friends, peers, and mentors that help one to achieve their greatest potential.
Beams of light shine down highlighting such feats. Each corner of the design will represent
education, fine arts, technology, or athletics - four pillars recognized within South Haven Public
Schools. An allusion to a crest is made with the ram head placed within symmetrical squares at
the edge of each wall reminding the viewer of a tradition of deep rooted Ram pride. Toward the
athletic entrance, the viewer sees two rams charging each other in competition which further
illustrates the power and persistence demonstrated within the community of South Haven
Public Schools. The logos of contributing sponsors and organizers appear on the north end of
the wall. The remaining space on the south wall will be left for potential future artwork to be
installed. The rams will be painted in grayscale with the background landscape and elements
painted in purple and gold tones.